About Us
Mining Awareness
Its creation was due to the need to insert itself into the market structure of equipment and supplies for this area. Traditionally, this function was carried out by large commercial companies that, for decades, have represented multidisciplinary lines, simultaneously marketing equipment for mining and mineral processing, for the textile industry, construction and the chemical industry.
To answer this, the MP + strategy is based on:
Highly specialized marketing function, mainly performed by metallurgical and chemical engineers, with extensive experience in mineral processing, with a solid academic background and a high degree of practical knowledge based on years of experience as plant operators.
Strong technical support to clients in all project phases, from conceptual engineering to installation and commissioning of equipment. As well as the provision of permanent advice on the operation of mining plants, collaborating in the optimization of metallurgical results and in solving routine problems of the operation.
“El compromiso de MP+ es que sus ingenieros trabajen de forma conjunta con los operadores y metalurgistas de las plantas. Que sean profesionales comprometidos en colaborar en la búsqueda de un resultado que solucione eficientemente los problemas de proceso.”

To be a leading company in the mineral process, recognized for its excellence, knowledge, experience and dedication to its clients, in order to be a permanent quality technical-economic alternative in the mining industry at a national and international level.